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Warmup 10mm Insulation Board

RRP £22.99 £18.40
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Warmup 10mm Insulation Board

BathroomsByDesign Overview


Warmup 10mm Insulation Board


Ean 5034526984211
Manufacturer Warmup
Product Code INS BOARD 10mm


Ean 5034526984211
Manufacturer Warmup
Product Code INS BOARD 10mm

About the Brand...

Go barefoot! Find the heating solution for your next building project with Warmup underfloor heating. Radiators and central heating systems are inefficient. They create stuffy environments and heat is often lost through doors, windows, ceilings, the roof, any open space really. Often this inefficient heat signature can lead to overheated parts of each room, with waste heat escaping throughout the home. And waste heat means wasted money! Warmup underfloor solves the waste heat issue by generating even heat over every square inch of your home. A low operating temperature delivers a comforting and even radiant heat across your whole floor surface, heating your house from the floor up. Programme your thermostat around your lifestyle and you can relax knowing that your heating will automatically keep you warm. Using radiant underfloor heat as a primary heat source for your home with an added benefit being the elimination of cold tiles and floor surfaces forever. Insulated, underground and wired directly to your electricity supply Warmup electric underfloor heating is totally safe, with no direct contact with the heating element, and avoiding any risk of burns or asphyxiation. No more unsightly radiators and heat pumps. Free up your wall space for the things that really matter. Warmup is dedicated to offering you the best. The best products, the best services, the best warranties and guarantees, as well as the best R & D to help save you on your heating costs. So lose the socks and make the switch to a heating system that makes sense.
Go barefoot! Find the heating solution for your next building project with Warmup underfloor heating. Radiators and central heating systems are inefficient. They create stuffy environments and heat is often lost through doors, windows, ceilings, the roof, any open space really. Often this inefficient heat signature can lead to overheated parts of each room, with waste heat escaping throughout the home. And waste heat means wasted money! Warmup underfloor solves the waste heat issue by generating even heat over every square inch of your home. A low operating temperature delivers a comforting and even radiant heat across your whole floor surface, heating your house from the floor up. Programme your thermostat around your lifestyle and you can relax knowing that your heating will automatically keep you warm. Using radiant underfloor heat as a primary heat source for your home with an added benefit being the elimination of cold tiles and floor surfaces forever. Insulated, underground and wired directly to your electricity supply Warmup electric underfloor heating is totally safe, with no direct contact with the heating element, and avoiding any risk of burns or asphyxiation. No more unsightly radiators and heat pumps. Free up your wall space for the things that really matter. Warmup is dedicated to offering you the best. The best products, the best services, the best warranties and guarantees, as well as the best R & D to help save you on your heating costs. So lose the socks and make the switch to a heating system that makes sense.


"Ultra stylish design and built to last. A must have!"

Warmup 10mm Insulation Board
RRP £22.99 £18.40
RRP £22.99 £18.40